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Listening With Love


Listening With Love

By Roland Moore, The United Faith

Luke 18:14 NIV
“I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”

Often times, I find myself greeting people I see and come in contact with on a daily basis with a simple phrase… “Hey, how you doin?” Not realizing my phrase is a question, I continue walking off without hearing their response. I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s done this. Ever wonder if someone really needs to talk? Ever wonder if someone really needs to know someone cares how they’re doing? I know I need to work more on listening with love, as we all do. May we ask the Lord to help us be quick to listen and slow to speak and to judge. A proud attitude so easily infects our lives. Ask God to give you a humility that reflects His heart and love. We don’t get closer to God by passing judgment on others or by passing them on the streets. Find time to really listen to someone today, with love. Don’t be so proud that you feel you’re too good to be there for someone else.


Impressions, First

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Impressions, First

By Charles Ademolu 

Baylor University, BA Psychology

I was taught at an early age that first impressions go an extremely long way. Matter of fact, they apparently went so far that if I made a bad first impression or was not on my best behavior in front of someone or a group of people, I could be instantly written off as a troublemaker, as someone others should “stay away from,” or as the person to keep an eye on. 

Eh. I think that lesson is useless. 

I guess I am addressing this idea of first impressions because it either says or encourages that if your first impression is anything short of spectacular, that’s a wrap. Or to be blunter, one strike and you’re out. However, to be a bit broader in scope, I am getting at our lack of patience and understanding with one another as human beings. It is vital and necessary as inhabitants of this large green and blue globe we call Earth, that we learn and practice being consistently patient with one another in order to thrive, not simply exist. 

Please, do not fall into the comfortable pitfall of judging someone off their first impression, whether pleasant or terrible. If they entrust you the beautiful privilege to do so in their lives, get to know people and their stories because you would be very surprised to discover why they do the things they do, believe the things they believe, and act the way they act. 

For instance, the young girl that is nice all the time may feel that the only way to be accepted and acknowledged by people is by being pleasing people at any cost, even if it is at the extent of her own happiness and well-being. The cashier at the grocery store may be red-hot ringing up groceries because he, as a single father, is doing as much as he can to financially support himself and his little child. The quiet person at work or school that is not talkative or is normally aloof towards others is so because he has seen how those closest to him outcast and throw stones, literally and metaphorically speaking, at other people included in or involved with the LGBTQ community. And the homeless man living on the street looking into passersby’ eyes is not particularly looking for money (though he could use it for food, water, and shelter) but rather the sheer possibility of being noticed as a human again. 

I understand how helpful generalizing can be at times for its convenient purposes, but know and remember that every single person is different and is multilayered with culture, background, history, and personality. In other words, people must be dealt with in a unique fashion. Be patient with people in their frustrations, in their fits, in their quiet times, in their times of confusion. Give people room to make mistakes and chances to be resilient. And while you are at it, be patient with yourself as you are patient with others. 

Try not to jump to conclusions when interacting with people because there is, more often than not, more to them than meets the impressionable eye. 

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Stop Stressing?

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Stop Stressing?


By Yours Truly

I don’t stress often, but when I do… Honestly, I stress all the time. While most of us need to stop stressing, most of us need to stress more. Stress isn’t bad, our vocabulary is. Talking about stress can be confusing, but it’s because we’re using the wrong words. There are two different types of stress (and peer pressure). Eustress is good, and distress is bad. 

Or should I say, Eustress is positive and distress is negative. Eustress is the good stress that pushes us to accomplish our goals. It makes me go to bed on time at night, and wakes me up in the morning. It gets me through the last part of my workouts when I feel like quitting. I wouldn’t be writing this article right now without it. It keeps us productive and provides the motivation we need to be successful in life. 

But when we can no longer manage our eustress, that’s when it becomes distress. This is the stress most of us are familiar with. It’s when the challenge at hand becomes too much to deal with. Distress literally kills us. For some of us it creates diseases that kill us right away, and for others it’s slowly taking years away from our life.  

I could write a book on stress, but since most people don’t like reading I’ll try to keep this short. It’s not so much about knowing about stress, but more so managing it. Even if you know you should stress, it’s hard not to some times. Below are few tips with managing stress. Don’t ever tell someone “stop stressing”; just teach them how to do it. 

Plan and Prioritize 

If you would plan ahead more, you wouldn’t run into so many unforeseen problems. Planning is bringing the future into the present, so you can do something about it now. After you plan what you want to do, set the order you plan to do it in. I get stressed out the most when I try to do everything at once. Set daily goals for yourself and stick to them. 


Regular exercise can help prevent you from distressing, help you cope while you’re in distress, or repair the problems that arrive after you’ve been in distress. I suggest yoga, but just choose a form of exercise you like. Distress actually makes you gain fat, but that’s another blog for another day. 


You can’t control everything. The future is unpredictable. You can distress over tomorrow, or realize there’s only so much you can do. Be the best you can, but when life happens, just relax and keep it moving. We only distress because our expectations for something didn’t turn out exactly like we thought it would. 

Choose the Right Company 

The people you surround yourself with have a huge impact on your life. They can either bring you down, or build you up. There’s no middle ground. Evaluate the people you spend the most time with and ask yourself if they are helping you move forward in life, or holding you back.

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Elevate Your Mind


Elevate Your Mind

elevate your mind

By Roland Moore, The United Faith

Isaiah‬ ‭55‬:‭8-9‬ NLT “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the LORD. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.

We’re supposed to have the mindset of Christ. Since we’re not born thinking like God, we have to purposely and diligently seek to elevate our minds and thoughts to His level. And the way we can do that is through talks with Him(praying and listening) and reading/hearing His word. That’s how we can continually learn His ways. When we start thinking godly then we can act/live godly. As long as we have our lowly and selfish mindset, we’ll always live in an ungodly and unhealthy manner. And that’s not how God intends for us to live. We were created in His image and we should reflect that image. Glory to God


Love >>> Hate

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Love >>> Hate

love over hate

By Roland Moore, The United Faith

John‬ ‭15‬:‭18-19‬ NKJV “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. 

The world hated Jesus so quite naturally they’ll hate his loved ones that He died for and chose. Jesus didn’t, nor does He call His own to hate others back. No matter what type of hate, jealousy, envy, sabotages, or any other evil you face, if you’re a child and friend of God then He requires you to love others. Not just the people that love you but also the ones that hate and spitefully use you.

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Network, Network, Network


Network, Network, Network


“It’s not about what you know, but who you know”, “two heads are better than one”, “strength in numbers” and any other phrase people use to talk about how “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts” are all right in my book. I’m glad we finally have the research to prove it. It’s called social health. The better we are at getting along with others, the better off we are as individuals. You want to live longer; connect with more people.  

Some of us don’t need any help at all. We love being around people. As long as the right people are around, anything we do is enjoyable. On the other hand, some people fear being in sociable settings. They only go out when they have to, and leave as soon as they can. Then there are some who love to go out, but need some healthier alternatives. Social health is important, but you don’t want to compromise the other four areas of health while at it. Here are some pointers on increasing your social health, without ruining other areas in your life: 

Join an Organization 

A great way to meet people is to join a group of like minded people. It’s easier to get along with people if they are similar to you. If you know you’re not great at meeting random people, find an organization of people with common goals and interest. If you can’t find a group dong what you like, start your own club. I promise there are enough people that like what you like, and with technology it’s easier than ever to meet people from all over.

Choose Wisely 

Social connections can be great, but be aware of who you let in your life. Everyone you meet isn’t going to better your life. You may even need to evaluate your current relationships and let some of them go too. 

Pride Kills 

Some people live longer than others because they actually make use of their social networks . It’s one thing to have a social network in place, but you also have to be willing to turn to it for help. Many people don’t like asking for help because it makes them look weak… but all humans are weak and in need of help. If you don’t like showing people your weaknesses, then they’ll never be able to help you overcome them. 

Think Health 

When choosing the activities you participate in, make sure it’s healthy overall. If the social group you hang with is brining you down mentally, physically, spiritually, or hurting the environment; find another option. Maybe instead of changing the activity completely you just need to make some minor changes, like using protective gear or substituting out the unhealthy options.

Love Yourself 

Stop worrying about how other people think of you and relax. We’re all different. Before you can start building your relationships with others; you have to work on yourself first. Sometimes I don’t like being around people, but then I realize it’s because I’m not happy, not because everyone around me sucks.


We're All One


We're All One

we're all one

Your health is a combination of not just your own mental and physical health, but everything around you as well. Your health is important because it’s necessary for proper growth and development. It allows us to live happier, feel better, and get the most out of life. When healthy individuals are performing at their best, they add more value to society overall. A healthier society also requires fewer resources, leading to an additional increase in an economy’s production. The health status of the individuals within a society determines the health status of everything around it.  

Becoming a healthier society depends on how we interact with the environment and individuals around us. We teach that taking care of ourselves is important, but we forget to talk about taking care of others. Knowing your environment is responsible for your own success; you should try to take care of everyone and everything around you. I’m not saying you should sacrifice your own health for the sake of others, but we are only as strong as our weakest link. In order for us to fully grow as individuals and experience all the benefits of living a healthy life ourselves, we must take care of everyone and everything else at the same time.


Learning is Living

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Learning is Living

Learning is Living

Simply put; “the more you learn, the longer you live”. It’s just that easy, but I’ll continue. Just like lifting weights build up your muscles, learning provides stimulation to your brain that causes it to grow stronger. Our brains begin to break down due to diseases, or naturally from getting older. Living a healthy lifestyle can protect us from disease, but we also have to account for father time. To protect our brains from aging we have to be constantly learning new things. The biggest mistake most people make is they stop learning once they finish school. Here are a few* ideas to continue learning outside of school.


Get Certified

Me personally, after college I became a personal trainer, then nutritionist, and next up is massage school. Plus within most professions there are “continued education” courses that will ensure you continue learning throughout life.


Find a Hobby

Most people pick their field of study or career based on the money they can make. Nothing wrong with that, but also try to find something on the side that brings joy to your life. Being happy extends your lifespan also, but I need to save that topic for another blog.


Start a Business

One step further than starting a hobby is starting a business. What’s the difference? The money, cabbage, ducats, scrilla, guop… Anyways, if you can find a way to bring in the dough from your hobby, then you my friend have a business. Takes a lot more time and dedication, but I obviously think it’s worth it. 



As great as learning is, sitting in a classroom for hours at a time isn’t for everyone. Not only is sitting down horrible, most teachers these days are just flat out boring. Get out of your comfort zone and learn first-hand from exploring the world.


Learn an Instrument

If you’ve always wanted to play an instrument, then take some lessons. It’s never “too late”, and it for sure isn’t “impossible” to do. Let the professionals guide you, and let the rest unfold. If you love to sing, your voice is an instrument too.


Game Nights

Socializing is my favorite way to learn. All games will stimulate your brain, but the added social impact from having others around is even better. I learn all my Spanish from playing monopoly with Hispanic chicks. Learning can be fun.

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Protecting Those Pearly Whites


Protecting Those Pearly Whites

Write here...

Write here...

Bethany RDH, Collin College AAS in Dental Hygiene

Protecting Those Pearly Whites


Ever since you can remember, you’ve known to brush your teeth at least twice a day. You may even be a frequent flosser, but did you know there’s more to dental hygiene than the brush & floss approach? Remember the following tips to ensure a healthy smile.


1. Oral health is about more than beautiful teeth. When considering the health of your mouth, it’s important to be aware that pregnancy, hormone shifts, medication regimens, chronic conditions and eating habits may lead to changes in the state of your gums and your teeth. If you’ve noticed new inflammation, gum recession, mouth lesions or enamel problems, discuss the symptoms and any recent health or habit changes with your physician.


2. How (and how long) you brush does make a difference. Proper brushing is more than a quick swish. It takes 90 to 120 seconds to clean all of your tooth surfaces. Remember to use short strokes, and avoid applying too much pressure. Give special care to braced teeth, fillings, crowns and gumline areas—and don’t forget to brush your tongue. 


3. Avoid sugars. It’s no secret that food particles stick around after you’ve eaten. When you eat sugary, starchy foods, they stay on your teeth even longer. Bacteria enjoy this sugary substance, and bacteria produce acid that breaks down enamel and encourages cavities. Try chewing sugarless gum or mints to get your sugar fix, instead.


4. Avoid diet soda products. A LiveScience article likened diet soda ingredients to “battery acid for your teeth.” While an occasional diet drink isn’t a problem, prolonged soft drink exposure causes enamel deterioration, especially if you’re not brushing after every beverage.


In addition to the recommendations above, stress management and a diet rich in vitamins and minerals can also protect your smile and your overall health for years to come.


Life Is Short

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Life Is Short

By Roland Moore, The United Faith

Psalm 39:4 NIV
“Show me, Lord, my life’s end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting my life is.”

Life is short no matter how long we live. If we have something important we want to do, we must not put it off for a better day. Ask yourself, “If I had only six months to live, what would I do?” Tell someone that you love them? Deal with an undisciplined area in your life? Tell someone about Jesus? Because life is short, don’t neglect what is truly important!

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